mBIT Coach Certification

mBIT Coach Mentoring

mBIT Workshops

Utilising the powerful and practical methodologies of NLP, Cognitive Linguistics and Behavioral Modeling, the mBIT approach to coaching breaks new ground by bringing together a remarkably wide range of research findings into an integrated approach that is practical, potent, and immediate in its results.

Now scientific knowledge is finally catching up with deep insights from ANCIENT WISDOM SOURCES and TRADITIONS that have been informing us for thousands of years about the three intelligences we all posses – there is wisdom in our Head, in our Heart AND in our Gut/Intuition.

mBraining is an approach that guides you to undestand the scientific basis behind your gut intuitions, your heart-felt emotions, and your head-based creative powers, so you can increase and expand your intuitive abilities to immediately generate wiser decision-making in your daily life.

Want more Information?

Click on the button for the course you are interested in, below:

Below is a list of mBIT Trainings offered in Perth.

mBIT Coach Certification

3, 4, 10 & 11 May 2024, West Perth WA

Register now with a $500 deposit – balance to be paid by 1 May.

ICF Coaches receive $300 off their registration AND get 21 Core Competency CCEUs.

This 4-day workshop certifies you to work with your clients so they can access more of their  internal wisdom.  Traditional client work focuses on head-based techniques and works from the neck up.  By enabling your clients to access the intelligence of their heart and intuition you can achieve deeper and longer lasting change, faster.

Ideal for professionals trained in a range of modalities, including psychology, counselling, mentoring, coaching, and the healing arts.

NOTE: this is NOT a course to become a coach, but to enhance your existing tools and skills.



Leadership Decision Making

LDM Workshop

16 & 17 April 2024, West Perth WA

The landscape we all now operate in involves highly complex ‘emergent’ and VUCA problems that cannot be solved by old-fashioned head-based decision processes. Simple technical problems can still be solved by ‘above the neck’ logic, yet complex adaptive problems require ‘below the neck’  approaches.

Learn how to keep pace with the accelerating pace of change leaders face with some practical tools underpinned by the latest research findings.

This 2-day course is for leaders who seek to bring compassionate wisdom in to their decision making, and is well suited for managers, leaders, and mentors.

$897 for the full 2-day course including all materials

EARLY BIRDS save $150 by booking early – click REGISTER FOR LDM and use code EARLYBIRD at checkout for discount to apply.


Evolve Your World

mBraining EVOLVE YOUR WORLD! Public Workshop

8 & 9 June 2024, West Perth

Would you like to experience evolutionary change in your life? Would you like to tap into your deepest and most authentic self and liberate your human spirit? Then this 2-day personal evolution workshop is for you!

You see, we each have three brains, three complex, adaptive and functional neural networks in our head, heart and gut. And when we don’t have them aligned through their Highest Expressions, then we end up with problems in life and don’t live as congruently and authentically as we can. In this breakthrough new neuroscience based programme, you will learn to bring your spirit alive and liberate your life using the power of aligned neural plasticity!

Not sure if this workshop is for you?  Consider these questions:

  • How would your life be if you acted on your goals, plans and dreams every day?
  • What would your life be like if you could easily make decisions?
  • How would your relationships be if you could discuss how you really feel?
  • Who would you be if you could drop unwanted behaviours and habits?
  • How are you currently connecting with your deeper inner self?
  • Do you feel there is more to you than you are bringing to the world right now?

The EYW Workshop provides the theoretical background, a forum for exploring what this means to you and areas of your life in which you may be stuck, and some practical (and very powerful) exercises to generate new possibilities in your Self, your world, and in getting ‘unstuck.’

$528 for the 2-day Workshop, plus all materials

EARLY BIRDS save $75 by booking NOW!  click REGISTER FOR JUNE WORKSHOP, then add EARLYBIRD code at checkout to apply discount.

mBIT Coach Mentoring

This is a 6-session package for those trained as mBIT Coaches who want to expand their ability to use mBIT tools and techniques with their clients.

Gain the confidence you want in using the mBIT suite of tools.

We go at a pace that suits you and your current practice, with plenty of feedback to guide your development.

email beth@bethnurnberger.com to get started.

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