Top 5 Tips to Enhance Your Work Day

We are all busy - our schedules are full, we quickly go from one task to another, sometimes feeling like we are never on top of things...... sound familiar? In this download I give you 5 top tips for getting through your work day better, with more ease.  It takes a...

Enhancing Your Workday with Yoga Wisdom

Enhancing Your Workday with Yoga Wisdom

Sometime things seem so hectic that we struggle to find balance and maintain focus. Yoga, an ancient practice with deep roots in mindfulness and well-being, offers valuable insights that can enhance your workday and boost productivity. By incorporating simple yoga...

Working with your Multiple Brains

The latest findings in neuroscience are proving that the heart and the gastro-enteric system are complex neural networks that play more of role on our behaviour than previously thought. The heart generates the strongest electromagnetic field (far stronger than the...

Get Over that Heartache

In a previous post I talked about the Language of the 3 Brains, and I discussed what make a brain a brain. When we can understand the prime functions of each of our Brains (the Head, the Heart and the Gut/Intuition), we can then learn to use them better.,This way we...

Language of the 3 Brains

Before we get into the main topic, let’s start with this question: What is a brain? This might seem like a silly question to ask – of course we all know it is that grey matter in between our ears!  That’ thing’ that is the master controller of our nervous system just...

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